Minggu, 16 Juni 2013

Cerita Pengalaman Dalam Bahasa Inggris


School period is the period that most impressed and remembered, where there is love, and the lessons learned. If I thought of the ignorance and delinquency I've ever made​​, where friends often makes teachers so angry, emotional, crying because of delinquency, often make jokes that make the classroom a chaotic and noisy that friends do. All things that will never be forgotten,

At the time we laugh, sad and joking together in school, dripping tears breakup time there very quickly it happened, I finished UN and friends were very sad when separation should occur and in the event that our last release can gather together.

I remembered with a cup of delicious drinks that accompany talking together, warm laughter with friends while gathering at home, feels loose weight in the hearts and minds, as if life was perfect greeting. The story became warm so there is no weakening or a termination, until he feels a lot of time has passed, and left a distinct impression.

Long time no see you make a lot has changed, whether there is sometimes lost because there is finally a married must follow the husband or wife and continuing education or employment outside the region.

Today may not be forgotten because affection for miss, in our moments together, because unity is a strength.

Start of something embarrassing to something exciting, I'm proud to have known all of my friends, because of them, my school days are so encouraging.

Warm story and accompanying measures their departure, with different lines but still a goal of SUCCESS.

Senin, 03 Juni 2013

Logo PILKOM Universitas Mulawarman

Deskripsi dan Makna Logo:
- PROSESOR = Pusat Perkembangan Ilmu Komputer. 
- JALUR SIRKUIT = Penyebaran Ilmu dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat. 
- LINGKARAN ATOM = Berada dalam kapasitas perkembangan sains dan teknologi. Pilkom tidak hanya belajar tentang komputer tetapi juga belajar tentang sains (Biologi, Kimia, Fisika dan Matematika).
- LINGKARAN KECIL PADA LINTASAN ATAU ELECTRON = Elektron ini tidak pernah berhenti berputar sejak saat penciptaannya, terus berputar tanpa terputus dengan kecepatan yang sama, tidak peduli berapa banyak waktu berlalu atau dari bagian apa substansi mereka. jadi bisa di artikan bahwa PILKOM harus seperti Electron yang selalu Aktif, Hidup dan selalu Ada.
- LINGKARAN = Ikatan Kebersamaan yang Kuat dan Kokoh.
- WARNA HITAM = Perlindungan dan Pengikatan.
- WARNA HIJAU = Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan.
- WARNA PUTIH = Kedamaian dan Kesucian.